The colder weather in recent months is a common time for people to experience mould in their homes. Whether it is an occurrence that happens once in a while or regularly you should always be alert and vigilant in treating it.
Untreated mould in homes could have serious implications on your families health so it is important to treat it asap.
There are many professional companies that can treat and remove mould. For simple mould the most effective treatment is a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water. Put it in a spray bottle and use it liberally. Bleach and over-the-counter sprays will remove mould but rarely have any agents to actually kill and remove the mould spores and they are not advisable.
Most importantly, you need to establish why you have mould in your home. 99% of the time it is due to a lack of sufficient ventilation. Dryers, Gas Heaters and not using ventilation fans are the worst culprits.
If you are in doubt, please contact us and we can put you in touch with a mould professional who can do a full assessment of your home.